I think the other answers are great but I'd like to put the situation into a different perspective.
The main reason folks do not want to discuss ways to stopping a corporate antivirus product are because of the implications:
- If a way to stop the corporate security product exists from the endpoint, it bypasses deliberate engineering by the security system to implement modern security schemas such as RBAC (Role Based Access Control), TPI (Two Party Integrity), and Zero Trust. Corporate security is designed with insider threats in mind in addition to external threats. If a user is granted administrative access, they are given those rights for a specific purpose (or set of purposes) to meet the minimum required for their work. If complete control is granted, then the user is given the keys to the kingdom and nothing can stop them from engaging in prohibited activities and deleting the evidence.
- One of the primary goals of adversaries is to find ways to disengage security systems. If a well known method exists to disable the security system, the system is not well designed or implemented. Therefore vendors of those products take great care and go to great lengths to avoid those kinds of vulnerabilities. This is the primary reason why all of the previous SE answers to this question are no longer valid. No doubt McAfee scours the internet for questions like this and then deliberately re-designs the application to prevent those 'tips and tricks' for disabling the software.
- Bypassing the corporate security systems is not in the scope of this SE but more importantly is almost certainly against your corporate TOS (Terms of Service). Making modifications to the security software would definitely be frowned upon by your IT department. If they wanted you to be able to make such a change, there are settings within McAfee ePO (the control center for McAfee corporate software) that can grant the user those capabilities. You should definitely be engaging with your IT department if the McAfee software is impeding your ability to do your job. They will want to know about the issue and work towards a solution for you.
Ultimately, what you've asked for is a tutorial on how to pick a lock. While not implicitlyexplicitly illegal it's knowledge that is used for evil more often than not and is carefully guarded. Seek a locksmith (network admin).