The question cannot be cleaned up and — while slightly chaotic — it is 100% fine.
The question is chaotic because the topic of USB C is chaotic. And many people who want dirt simple USB C hubs — not Thunderbolt 3/4 — do not see what you are saying is an answer.
What you are saying can be summed up in this incredibly rude comment to one of the answers:
“@Duvrai you are wrong. It does work with plain USB C ports.”
And my response comment to you explains it very clearly:
“@chx Yes. But a basic USB A hub costs less than $15 or so depending on where you get it. A Thunderbolt 3/4 hub costs about 10x that and provides additional functionality many people don’t need. I posted my answer recommending a $30-ish device that works for me. This is all I really need. For my purposes USB 3.1 transfer speeds of 10Mbps are fine. Anything else is wasted. And the $150-ish cost is definitely wasted for my needs. I just want a simple USB C hub for less than $20. USB A had it; why not USB C. And yes I know the technical issues but still.”
Screenshot below for reference:
Stating the problem is “solved” by people buying $150+ Thunderbolt 3/4 hubs when many are just looking for a $15 or less solution is not a reason to clean anything up.
Additionally you breathlessly state the following:
“I tried to edit the top answer and it was rolled back. Very frustrating!”
The rollbacks were by the original poster pkamb and your changes are honestly past belief: The golden rule of this site — and all Stack Exchange sites — is the original content poster’s content and intent always rules first. Even if you disagree with the content you can leave a comment clarifying things.
Small copy edits to posts is one thing. But what you did in revision 9 is past belief; screenshot below with your changes in green:
You adding five full new paragraphs clearly conflicts with the original author’s intent. If you disagree with the content, post a comment to the author and let them know. And heck, you have your own full answer here from October 2020. If you have new information please go and edit your own answer and add it there: Nobody will object to it. But to edit someone else’s content the way you did deserves a rollback to say the least.
In short:
If you have new information, edit your own answer to address it and not radically edit the content of others.
Who knows? You might get tons of up votes. But going around and insulting other community members and editing the content of others purely to suit your needs is not a way to gain respect.