Another SuperUser, the one who marked question as duplicate then comments on my edits in an IMO patronizing manner that my edits are out of line, that I'm inserting my opinion, and he simply keeps repeating that same statement (I can't recall exactly and comments were deleted) and then rolls back my edits. He also suggests I 'prove' that answer in duplicate question is wrong by providing my own answer to a 10 year old question, to which I reply that I choose to answer this IMO non-duplicate answer. I admit that at some point I request him to go annoy someone else in my comments, not very nice.
About my edits:
I think rather than rolling back my edits, objections should have been handled by either discussion in meta (which I suggested in now deleted comments at some point) or by flagging an issue for moderator intervention.
About supposed duplicate:
The accepted answer was probably accepted because of one if it's suggestions (seemingly) has worked; "squeeze the card".
- There's a chance squeezing had very little to do with anything
- The chance of squeezing working is astronomically small, specially in case of a monolithic MicroSD card. What follows is that the solution in accepted answer is highly unlikely to help. At best it's a helpful comment, a long shot.
- Many of the other parts of the answer are plain wrong; we (data recovery techs) don't de-solder controllers or NAND from MicroSD Cards, and it's most certainly not something you can do at home, just some examples.
- Answer talks about not opening the card, while you can not open a MicroSD card due to it's monolithic design.
And so IMO, the answer is somewhat like the proverbial broken clock. There's some helpful tips in there too, but it's hardly expected these are the answer.
In summary, I do not share the opinion the question is a a duplicate of the question linked to. I have the opinion we can derive intent from the question. My edits were to address these issues. Rolling back, I think was out of line.
There's lots of things wrong with the question, even close-worthy issues probably (lack of focus for example), but those are our concerns. The asker is probably more worried about getting his data back. If I can clean up / edit the question somewhat, isn't that preferred over closing the question?
But I am open to learning and prepared to accept I was wrong in making those edits, in playing the role of asker's advocate.
I can see intent of SU with the whole duplicate thing but it has become a thing that's abused and prevents questions from actually getting answered.