Generally speaking, those are the sort of changes that one would not edit a post for if they were the only thing. I wouldn't go out of my way to change "&" to "and". However, if a post is already being edited for some reason, then it makes sense to fix it up along the way.
Using full words is usually more easy to read and understand, and is easier for search engines to understand. The change from "googling" to "searching" seems a bit arbitrary personally, but again, is understandable because it makes it more general, which could be seen as more fair.
As far as removing the "thanks in advance", that's a somewhat standard practice. Since we don't allow signatures on postsdon't allow signatures on posts, some users consider that to be a "signature" of sorts. I don't personally go out of the way to remove it, but taking it out is an acceptable edit. The going opinion is that "thanks" text decreases the signal-to-noise ratio because it's not really related to the problem at hand.