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Possible Duplicate:
How do I comment on a thread?How do I comment on a thread?

I need an author of a question to clarify his question, and I've seen people post comments on questions to do this, yet I can't find a way to. I'm logged in, yet I see no comment option anywhere. Can someone enlighten me?

Possible Duplicate:
How do I comment on a thread?

I need an author of a question to clarify his question, and I've seen people post comments on questions to do this, yet I can't find a way to. I'm logged in, yet I see no comment option anywhere. Can someone enlighten me?

Possible Duplicate:
How do I comment on a thread?

I need an author of a question to clarify his question, and I've seen people post comments on questions to do this, yet I can't find a way to. I'm logged in, yet I see no comment option anywhere. Can someone enlighten me?

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Possible Duplicate:
How do I comment on a thread?

I need an author of a question to clarify his question, and I've seen people post comments on questions to do this, yet I can't find a way to. I'm logged in, yet I see no comment option anywhere. Can someone enlighten me?

I need an author of a question to clarify his question, and I've seen people post comments on questions to do this, yet I can't find a way to. I'm logged in, yet I see no comment option anywhere. Can someone enlighten me?

Possible Duplicate:
How do I comment on a thread?

I need an author of a question to clarify his question, and I've seen people post comments on questions to do this, yet I can't find a way to. I'm logged in, yet I see no comment option anywhere. Can someone enlighten me?

Post Closed as "exact duplicate" by slhck, DMA57361
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How do I comment on a question on Super User?

I need an author of a question to clarify his question, and I've seen people post comments on questions to do this, yet I can't find a way to. I'm logged in, yet I see no comment option anywhere. Can someone enlighten me?