Are questions related to specific natural languages too localized?
One of the reasons questions are closed as too localized is geography as stated e.g. here, even if the question is possibly relevant to all of China (population 1.3B) or all of India (1.2B), both of which have a greater population than all of North America and Europe combined.
Does this also apply to languages?
Are questions relating to languages always acceptable? Are they, as a function of a person's location, also too localized? Does it depend, i.e. we might tolerate questions about English (500M-1.8B speakers, and language of this site), but not Sanskrit (14k speakers)? How about Mandarin (800M)?
As a concrete example, in a comment to this answerthis answer I mentioned that asking for a Mac OS X dictionary module for a certain language might be considered too localized — more general issues with software recommendation aside. Am I wrong?