I'm an undergraduate computer science student at a small university in rural New Mexico - New Mexico Tech. I'm focusing on Information Security, the specialization of this university, and plan to pursue a career in law enforcement computer forensics. I'm also taking a minor in Technical Communications. Although New Mexico Tech is small, we are well known in the security industry, being an NSA (National Security Administration) Center for Academic Excellence in education and research. Our CTF (Capture the Flag) team (Mr. Lee's Greater Hong Kong Deliverators) recently went to the national CSAW competition hosted by NYUNew York University - Poly.
I work for the university computer center as a Systems Programmer. I administer RHELRed Had Enterprise Linux/RHEL (I pronounce that R-Hell) servers and Fedora desktops. I also work for the New Mexico Experimental Project to Stimulate Competitive Research (NM-EPSCoR), an NSFa National Science Foundation grant program. I work specifically with a program we sponsor called the New Mexico Supercomputing Challenge, in which middle and high school teams use computer simulation to analyze real-world problems. It does a lot to encourage students to go in to STEMScience/Technology/Engineering/Mathematics (STEM) fields in college (and to encourage them to go to college in the first place!). I work directly with teams to help them design their projects, and because of my programming help I'm often called The Python Man.
I'm passionate about freedom. Over the last weeks I've spent a lot of time advocating against SOPAthe Stop Online Piracy Act and PIPAthe PROTECT-IP Act, including interviews with local news organizations. I'm passionate about LGBTLesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender issues (I'm hoping to start a PFLAG chapter at my university). I have nerdy hobbies, like photography and amateur radio (KE7FVF).
I like to play video games, especially Minecraft. Right now there's a lot of Skyrim, though. Also, TF2Team Fortress 2. And CSCounterstrike:SSource. I'm going to buy Battlefield 3 one of these days, and then I'll have to play that too. And a new Humble Indie Bundle just came out, so I'll have to get on those, toooh my god so many video games.