Sometimes I really wonder why people bring questions here that are very specific to a certain application.
E.g. AutoHotKey not working with Outlook 2010AutoHotKey not working with Outlook 2010
I know that SU is for software and hardware, so the questions do not violate any rules here. But quite often it does not make much sense to ask the question here. People here most certainly aren't dumb, but SU has its strength in the domain where a question does not really fit anywhere, i.e. is sufficiently general.
I am tempted to point the person to a different site that deals exclusively with this application, even if it's outside of the StackOverflow galaxy. I hesitate because I do not want to presume that nobody here knows the answer. And I don't want to make the impression that I am too lazy to answer, though sometimes I am.
My question is: is it okay to refer someone elsewhere? If it is acceptable, should I respect a "grace" period of - say, a month or two weeks?