When a question is migrated, all its answers get migrated with it (presumably). One thing I just noticed is the option to undelete
my answer on the ?noredirect=1
landing page for the question (i.e. as it was before migration).
Why does it say that my answer is deleted as opposed to migrated? What happens if I undelete it? The FAQFAQ does not explain answers being deleted due to migration.
Example: http://superuser.com/questions/396949/how-to-group-all-emails-from-one-user-into-one-collection-in-gmail?noredirect=1https://superuser.com/questions/396949/how-to-group-all-emails-from-one-user-into-one-collection-in-gmail?noredirect=1
##Ok! I'm going to click it...
#This is it! I can do this!
###O... K...
It actually worked.