file-management has 438 questions
power-management has 326 questions
password-management has 106 questions
memory-management has 51 questions
project-management has 45 questions
time-management has 20 questions
document-management has 18 questions
knowledge-management has 14 questions
task-management has 5 questions
we also have 111 questions for management and I'm not even sure what they are managing.
- task-management is a synonym for productivity (124 questions);
- knowledge-management, document-management, password-management, file-management all be synonyms for new information-management;
- power-management and memory-management become synonyms for new hardware-management;
- management be broken down into different categories and dispersed as needed with management a synonym for new information-management
- time-management be a synonym for project-management
- asset (3 questions) also be a synonym for hardware-management
7. Clippy does all this work.
Please discuss, I'm sure I'm not spot on with all of this.
- What is document management? It has no wiki
- File Management is left alone.
- Time-Management and Task-Management and [organizing] synonym for Productivity
- Power-Management and Memory Management into Hardware-Management
- Knowledge-Management, Password-Management, [document management?] into [information-management]
- [Management] disambiguated and becomes part of [information-management]
- [note-taking] synonym for [notes] while taking all [lotus/notes] out of [notes] and into [lotus-note]