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I asked a borderline question on 07 August 2012. I asked what the pros and cons were for different rechargeable battery types, using a context of applying those battery types.

The question was borderline because it was teetering on the edge of off topic for Super User.

Close votes for the question were scattered, but the majority called it "not a real question":

closed as not a real question by Luke, Zoredache, Gareth, Randolph West, Nifle Aug 8 at 7:45

##closed as not a real question by Luke, Zoredache, Gareth, Randolph West, Nifle Aug 8 at 7:45 It'sIt's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, see the FAQ.

To be honest, my question seems as ambiguous, vague, broad, and rhetorical as this other question.

My hopes were to collect credible answers that debunk myths about how batteries perform.

I'd be happy to improve the question to make it more focused or clear, but I'm not exactly sure what is wrong with the question in its current form after seeing the weighing of SSDs question.

If "not a real question" is not the case and the question really is off topic for Super User, I don't really know where else to ask.

  • Skeptics seemed viable because my goal is to disprove myths about batteries with credible evidence. I would have chosen to ask here, but Super User seemed a better fit at the time.
  • Electrical Engineering is more suited to designing and theory rather than applications.
  • Physics is about experiments and more theory.
  • Super User made sense because I wanted the practical aspect of computers, and as far as I know, laptop batteries count as computer hardware.

What's the proper action to take for my question?

This is what I can come up with:

  1. Fix the question so that it's a better Q&A fit for Super User.
  2. Migrate the question to Skeptics, but omit the parts about computer hardware.
  3. Forget it. It's not worth the effort to get answers on Stack Exchange.

I asked a borderline question on 07 August 2012. I asked what the pros and cons were for different rechargeable battery types, using a context of applying those battery types.

The question was borderline because it was teetering on the edge of off topic for Super User.

Close votes for the question were scattered, but the majority called it "not a real question":

##closed as not a real question by Luke, Zoredache, Gareth, Randolph West, Nifle Aug 8 at 7:45 It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, see the FAQ.

To be honest, my question seems as ambiguous, vague, broad, and rhetorical as this other question.

My hopes were to collect credible answers that debunk myths about how batteries perform.

I'd be happy to improve the question to make it more focused or clear, but I'm not exactly sure what is wrong with the question in its current form after seeing the weighing of SSDs question.

If "not a real question" is not the case and the question really is off topic for Super User, I don't really know where else to ask.

  • Skeptics seemed viable because my goal is to disprove myths about batteries with credible evidence. I would have chosen to ask here, but Super User seemed a better fit at the time.
  • Electrical Engineering is more suited to designing and theory rather than applications.
  • Physics is about experiments and more theory.
  • Super User made sense because I wanted the practical aspect of computers, and as far as I know, laptop batteries count as computer hardware.

What's the proper action to take for my question?

This is what I can come up with:

  1. Fix the question so that it's a better Q&A fit for Super User.
  2. Migrate the question to Skeptics, but omit the parts about computer hardware.
  3. Forget it. It's not worth the effort to get answers on Stack Exchange.

I asked a borderline question on 07 August 2012. I asked what the pros and cons were for different rechargeable battery types, using a context of applying those battery types.

The question was borderline because it was teetering on the edge of off topic for Super User.

Close votes for the question were scattered, but the majority called it "not a real question":

closed as not a real question by Luke, Zoredache, Gareth, Randolph West, Nifle Aug 8 at 7:45

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, see the FAQ.

To be honest, my question seems as ambiguous, vague, broad, and rhetorical as this other question.

My hopes were to collect credible answers that debunk myths about how batteries perform.

I'd be happy to improve the question to make it more focused or clear, but I'm not exactly sure what is wrong with the question in its current form after seeing the weighing of SSDs question.

If "not a real question" is not the case and the question really is off topic for Super User, I don't really know where else to ask.

  • Skeptics seemed viable because my goal is to disprove myths about batteries with credible evidence. I would have chosen to ask here, but Super User seemed a better fit at the time.
  • Electrical Engineering is more suited to designing and theory rather than applications.
  • Physics is about experiments and more theory.
  • Super User made sense because I wanted the practical aspect of computers, and as far as I know, laptop batteries count as computer hardware.

What's the proper action to take for my question?

This is what I can come up with:

  1. Fix the question so that it's a better Q&A fit for Super User.
  2. Migrate the question to Skeptics, but omit the parts about computer hardware.
  3. Forget it. It's not worth the effort to get answers on Stack Exchange.
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I asked a borderline question on 07 August 2012. I asked what the pros and cons were for different rechargeable battery types, using a context of applying those battery types.

The question was borderline because it was teetering on the edge of off topic for Super User.

Close votes for the question were scattered, but the majority called it "not a real question":

##closed as not a real question by Luke, Zoredache, Gareth, Randolph West, Nifle Aug 8 at 7:45 It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, see the FAQ.

To be honest, my question seems as ambiguous, vague, broad, and rhetorical as this other question.

My hopes were to collect credible answers that debunk myths about how batteries perform.

I'd be happy to improve the question to make it more focused or clear, but I'm not exactly sure what is wrong with the question in its current form after seeing the weighing of SSDs question.

If "not a real question" is not the case and the question really is off topic for Super User, I don't really know where else to ask.

  • SkepticsSkeptics seemed viable because my goal is to disprove myths about batteries with credible evidence. I would have chosen to ask here, but Super User seemed a better fit at the time.
  • Electrical Engineering is more suited to designing and theory rather than applications.
  • Physics is about experiments and more theory.
  • Super User made sense because I wanted the practical aspect of computers, and as far as I know, laptop batteries count as computer hardware.

What's the proper action to take for my question?

This is what I can come up with:

  1. Fix the question so that it's a better Q&A fit for Super User.
  2. Migrate the question to Skeptics, but omit the parts about computer hardware.
  3. Forget it. It's not worth the effort to get answers on Stack Exchange.

I asked a borderline question on 07 August 2012. I asked what the pros and cons were for different rechargeable battery types, using a context of applying those battery types.

The question was borderline because it was teetering on the edge of off topic for Super User.

Close votes for the question were scattered, but the majority called it "not a real question":

##closed as not a real question by Luke, Zoredache, Gareth, Randolph West, Nifle Aug 8 at 7:45 It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, see the FAQ.

To be honest, my question seems as ambiguous, vague, broad, and rhetorical as this other question.

My hopes were to collect credible answers that debunk myths about how batteries perform.

I'd be happy to improve the question to make it more focused or clear, but I'm not exactly sure what is wrong with the question in its current form after seeing the weighing of SSDs question.

If "not a real question" is not the case and the question really is off topic for Super User, I don't really know where else to ask.

  • Skeptics seemed viable because my goal is to disprove myths about batteries with credible evidence. I would have chosen to ask here, but Super User seemed a better fit at the time.
  • Electrical Engineering is more suited to designing and theory rather than applications.
  • Physics is about experiments and more theory.
  • Super User made sense because I wanted the practical aspect of computers, and as far as I know, laptop batteries count as computer hardware.

What's the proper action to take for my question?

This is what I can come up with:

  1. Fix the question so that it's a better Q&A fit for Super User.
  2. Migrate the question to Skeptics, but omit the parts about computer hardware.
  3. Forget it. It's not worth the effort to get answers on Stack Exchange.

I asked a borderline question on 07 August 2012. I asked what the pros and cons were for different rechargeable battery types, using a context of applying those battery types.

The question was borderline because it was teetering on the edge of off topic for Super User.

Close votes for the question were scattered, but the majority called it "not a real question":

##closed as not a real question by Luke, Zoredache, Gareth, Randolph West, Nifle Aug 8 at 7:45 It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, see the FAQ.

To be honest, my question seems as ambiguous, vague, broad, and rhetorical as this other question.

My hopes were to collect credible answers that debunk myths about how batteries perform.

I'd be happy to improve the question to make it more focused or clear, but I'm not exactly sure what is wrong with the question in its current form after seeing the weighing of SSDs question.

If "not a real question" is not the case and the question really is off topic for Super User, I don't really know where else to ask.

  • Skeptics seemed viable because my goal is to disprove myths about batteries with credible evidence. I would have chosen to ask here, but Super User seemed a better fit at the time.
  • Electrical Engineering is more suited to designing and theory rather than applications.
  • Physics is about experiments and more theory.
  • Super User made sense because I wanted the practical aspect of computers, and as far as I know, laptop batteries count as computer hardware.

What's the proper action to take for my question?

This is what I can come up with:

  1. Fix the question so that it's a better Q&A fit for Super User.
  2. Migrate the question to Skeptics, but omit the parts about computer hardware.
  3. Forget it. It's not worth the effort to get answers on Stack Exchange.
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I asked a borderline question on 07 August 2012. I asked what the pros and cons were for different rechargeable battery types, using a context of applying those battery types.

The question was borderline because it was teetering on the edge of off topic for Super User.

Close votes for the question were scattered, but the majority called it "not a real question":

##closed as not a real question by Luke, Zoredache, Gareth, Randolph West, Nifle Aug 8 at 7:45 It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, see the FAQ.

To be honest, my question seems as ambiguous, vague, broad, and rhetorical as this other question.

My hopes were to collect credible answers that debunk myths about how batteries perform.

I'd be happy to improve the question to make it more focused or clear, but I'm not exactly sure what is wrong with the question in its current form after seeing the weighing of SSDs question.

If "not a real question" is not the case and the question really is off topic for Super User, I don't really know where else to ask.

  • Skeptics seemed viable because my goal is to disprove myths about batteries with credible evidence. I would have chosen to ask here, but Super User seemed a better fit at the time.
  • Electrical Engineering is more suited to designing and theory rather than applications.
  • PhysicsPhysics is about experiments and more theory.
  • Super User made sense because I wanted the practical aspect of computers, and as far as I know, laptop batteries count as computer hardware.

What's the proper action to take for my question?

This is what I can come up with:

  1. Fix the question so that it's a better Q&A fit for Super User.
  2. Migrate the question to Skeptics, but omit the parts about computer hardware.
  3. Forget it. It's not worth the effort to get answers on Stack Exchange.

I asked a borderline question on 07 August 2012. I asked what the pros and cons were for different rechargeable battery types, using a context of applying those battery types.

The question was borderline because it was teetering on the edge of off topic for Super User.

Close votes for the question were scattered, but the majority called it "not a real question":

##closed as not a real question by Luke, Zoredache, Gareth, Randolph West, Nifle Aug 8 at 7:45 It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, see the FAQ.

To be honest, my question seems as ambiguous, vague, broad, and rhetorical as this other question.

My hopes were to collect credible answers that debunk myths about how batteries perform.

I'd be happy to improve the question to make it more focused or clear, but I'm not exactly sure what is wrong with the question in its current form after seeing the weighing of SSDs question.

If "not a real question" is not the case and the question really is off topic for Super User, I don't really know where else to ask.

  • Skeptics seemed viable because my goal is to disprove myths about batteries with credible evidence. I would have chosen to ask here, but Super User seemed a better fit at the time.
  • Electrical Engineering is more suited to designing and theory rather than applications.
  • Physics is about experiments and more theory.
  • Super User made sense because I wanted the practical aspect of computers, and as far as I know, laptop batteries count as computer hardware.

What's the proper action to take for my question?

This is what I can come up with:

  1. Fix the question so that it's a better Q&A fit for Super User.
  2. Migrate the question to Skeptics, but omit the parts about computer hardware.
  3. Forget it. It's not worth the effort to get answers on Stack Exchange.

I asked a borderline question on 07 August 2012. I asked what the pros and cons were for different rechargeable battery types, using a context of applying those battery types.

The question was borderline because it was teetering on the edge of off topic for Super User.

Close votes for the question were scattered, but the majority called it "not a real question":

##closed as not a real question by Luke, Zoredache, Gareth, Randolph West, Nifle Aug 8 at 7:45 It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, see the FAQ.

To be honest, my question seems as ambiguous, vague, broad, and rhetorical as this other question.

My hopes were to collect credible answers that debunk myths about how batteries perform.

I'd be happy to improve the question to make it more focused or clear, but I'm not exactly sure what is wrong with the question in its current form after seeing the weighing of SSDs question.

If "not a real question" is not the case and the question really is off topic for Super User, I don't really know where else to ask.

  • Skeptics seemed viable because my goal is to disprove myths about batteries with credible evidence. I would have chosen to ask here, but Super User seemed a better fit at the time.
  • Electrical Engineering is more suited to designing and theory rather than applications.
  • Physics is about experiments and more theory.
  • Super User made sense because I wanted the practical aspect of computers, and as far as I know, laptop batteries count as computer hardware.

What's the proper action to take for my question?

This is what I can come up with:

  1. Fix the question so that it's a better Q&A fit for Super User.
  2. Migrate the question to Skeptics, but omit the parts about computer hardware.
  3. Forget it. It's not worth the effort to get answers on Stack Exchange.
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