Of the six questions you've asked until now
- four have been closed
- three are now deleted
- none have received a single upvote
It seems the ban is working as intended, as there seems to have been no increase in the quality of your questions over time.
I believe having http://superuser.com/questions/547059/is-there-windows-logging-software-that-can-tell-me-what-all-i-have-done-on-the-phttps://superuser.com/questions/547059/is-there-windows-logging-software-that-can-tell-me-what-all-i-have-done-on-the-p fixed and reopened would be the best way to overcome the ban. You deleted the question, but having deleted questions is never good when you're banned.
At the moment it is not showing any research (e.g. what logging tools you may have found that don't provide what you need), and might be a little too broad with a list for requirements. You could definitely edit it and have a moderator review it. For more specific guidance on what to do, feel free to ask on Meta or regulars on chat.