This is the post in question
Inserting a (jpg) picture into a cell in Microsoft Excel 2007Inserting a (jpg) picture into a cell in Microsoft Excel 2007
If you click on the duplicate you get taken to How do I load external images into Excel?How do I load external images into Excel?
If you click on that, you are returned to the first link.
This means, I think, that Inserting a (jpg) picture into a cell in Microsoft Excel 2007Inserting a (jpg) picture into a cell in Microsoft Excel 2007 should be re-opened; it's not a duplicate if it came first?
The problem is, I'm trying to close Excel - Filling images using a reference imageExcel - Filling images using a reference image as a duplicate to the above but I can't:
So, I guess this just means the system can't handle this and therefore the duplicate rules that site applies can't be applied in this case?
Is this a bug in the sense we can't close posts like this.