I almost got rid of graphs, but a couple of OPs reverted the edits. Right now the questions are on hold, but the tag is still live.
The review queue filled up Saturday afternoon and the system wouldn't take new edits for a little while.
I ran across a couple of bugs:
When editing Can't upload files or attachmentsCan't upload files or attachments, the windows-xp tag disappears. I saw that with a couple of questions.
The system would occasionally reject a tag-only edit, claiming edits to the question text had to be a minimum size. Except that I hadn't edited the question text. This mostly seemed to affect questions flagged [duplicate].
It was surprisingly difficult. Not just removing the bad tag on a bunch of questions but reading each one, finding better tags, and looking for other edits is mentally draining. I think I made a little over 100 edits each day, and it turned out to be quite a slog.