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Timeline for Super User in Portuguese

Current License: CC BY-SA 3.0

12 events
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Apr 13, 2017 at 12:59 history edited CommunityBot
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Mar 5, 2015 at 7:00 comment added Victor Stafusa As I already said on some comment before, we expect that the target audience of the two sites to be very different, and the many people with 51 rep points coming to SUpt proposal declaring themselves as experts is an evidence of that. SOpt is a site about programming. Program usage, networking, hardware devices and operational systems are another thing. Put in other way, why not consider Seasoned Advice questions written in Portuguese on-topic on SOpt? Because those people are a different community, with different rules and different purposes, ditto for Super User.
Mar 5, 2015 at 6:57 comment added Victor Stafusa @jmac At some time in the past English Super User itself splitted off from StackOverflow. Why we didn't just leaved everything there together? Because those are different people, in a different community with different rules and a completely different community dynamics and behaviour. Many guys from SOpt are coming to SUpt, that is true only because we still have only one community in Portuguese. [continue...]
Mar 5, 2015 at 5:58 comment added jmac Staff I looked through the first 2 pages of the Area 51 proposal and used a query to look at top close voters. Just the committers from the first 2 pages are 30% of the close votes on SOpt. What I'm saying is that if you guys were as committed to allowing those questions on SOpt they wouldn't be closed and you wouldn't need an SUpt (which as I explained in my answer is confusing to people who are trying to ask a question). It strikes me as odd you want a site for these questions, but don't want it to be the site you're already on.
Mar 5, 2015 at 5:55 comment added Victor Stafusa Further, I asked a question about on-topicness during private beta asking for the cases of Super User and Server Fault, between other sites. The most voted answer (+8/-0) stated that Server Fault was considered borderline and Super User was off-topic. The second answer (+4/-0) stated (though not explicitly) that SU-like questions were off-topic. The third answer (+2/-0) was IMO inconclusive about that.
Mar 5, 2015 at 5:51 comment added Victor Stafusa Configuração de redes, firewalls, proxies, etc. (Networking configuration, firewalls, proxies, etc.) - Again the answer author, which is a moderator on SOpt, posted a comment saying that he was against. [continues...]
Mar 5, 2015 at 5:48 comment added Victor Stafusa Uso de ferramentas de produtividade como editor de texto (não de código), planilhas, gerência de projetos, etc. É o uso básico mesmo, formatação, opções do menu, instalação. (Use of productivity tools as text editors (not code), spreadsheets, project management, etc. It is really the basic use, formatting, menu options, installing.) - The answer author said that he himself is against. [continues...]
Mar 5, 2015 at 5:46 comment added Victor Stafusa But lets look into those 3 downvoted answers (aka, things off-topic): Administração e configuração do servidor de banco de dados, incluindo backup e afinação (tunning). Assunto não relacionados diretamente com o desenvolvimento em si. (Administration and configuration of database servers, including backup and tuning. Topic not related to (software) development per se), [continues...]
Mar 5, 2015 at 5:43 comment added Victor Stafusa @jmac I could easily found another question that was closed for the same reasons:… and probably many more exists. The discussion of what is on-topic or not in SOpt started very early here. Most of the deleted answers are topics that had unanimous or nearly unanimous votes for, and so had their text moved to the question and deemed on-topic. [continues...]
Mar 5, 2015 at 5:03 comment added jmac Staff Wouldn't it just be easier to allow those as on-topic on the Portuguese site? It looks like the people who closed are the folks proposing the new site. Rather than go through the trouble, why not just allow those questions on SOpt?
Mar 4, 2015 at 19:48 history edited Victor Stafusa CC BY-SA 3.0
Mar 4, 2015 at 19:25 history answered Victor Stafusa CC BY-SA 3.0