I review a lot of questions and answers here daily, and I don't think there is a generalized problem with rudeness on Super User. By and large, the discourse here is courteous, polite, and geared toward tactfully answering people's questions. Sure, there is the occasional tactless comment, often in response to someone who has clearly not taken the site toursite tour or familiarized him or herself with the rules and quality standards here, but these are rare and have a way of being filtered out by way of moderator flags.
Nonetheless, if improvement is desired, the best way to do this is on the individual level. Be the change that you wish to see. So, if you wish more people were politely shepherding new users into learning how Super User works, maybe try being the person who politely and patiently responds to new user's questions. Make helpful edits. Leave comments seeking clarification and direct misguided users to the help page. Flag rude/offensive comments, questions, and answers for moderator review. In short, do your part. If you are kind, helpful, and polite, that's one more person to drown out any contrarian rudeness and set a good example for other users.
As for new users, taking the site tour, reading the FAQ, and paying attention to how other users behave here is a must. Of course very few new users do this before posting, so it is incumbent upon experienced users here to guide them in a way that promotes healthy discourse and doesn't discourage potential Super Users from coming back to the site. It also helps if new users are willing to accept guidance and constructive criticism.