There have been a few questionsquestions about the tags for windows-10 and windows-10-preview, and whether such things are even on topiceven on topic, similar to the same issue last time with Windows 8last time with Windows 8. I have noticed a new problem though...
The Insider Program isn't ending on July 29, '15.
Instead Insiders will continue to get bleeding edge builds for the foreseeable future, as clarified by this Windows Blog Post. A significant number of users will continue to use the "free but buggy" version of Windows for as long as they can.
So should there be a ban on Insider specific questions? Or a separate tag for them?
Seems to me that the windows-10-preview tag could be changed to windows-10-insider, windows-insider-program, or something similar. Though I'm not sure we would consider those questions as on-topic. On one hand, it's essentially beta software with bugs popping up and dying constantly, but I have a feeling the user base is going to be fairly substantial.