As time passes by, some questions/answers are forgotten...
Those present people with out-dated information that needs to be updated or cleaned up.
There are also questions/answers with bad formatting or that contain too much irrelevant information.
We could, for example, bring consistency in formatting in CW questions to increase readability...
Maybe even add screenshots where they fit.
We should compile up a list with such questions and answers which anyone could contribute to,
so that people with enough reputation can improve those or mods could clean those up...
- [Title](Link to question/answer)
Reason: Why the question should be improved or cleaned...
When a question or answer progresses, we can just add an extra line:
Status: Rejected/Unclear Reason/*Done*
Please keep this list in my first answer and discuss this question in the comments.
When needed we could do a more important discussion in a separate answer to this question.
For those editing: Remember to always respect the original author and to leave an edit reason.