Typically, from a user's home page (has tabs for Profile, Activity, Settings) near the top-right corner, underneath all the site buttons, there are two links:

  • Meta User
  • Network Profile

If you are already on the meta site, there is a link to "Main User".

Today, the link to "Meta User" seems to have gone missing. Pictured below:

enter image description here

enter image description here

  • It seems to be browser dependent. E.g. Firefox v.52 ESR no Meta User link, on Firefox of another branch v. 59, there is!
    – Rekshino
    Commented May 5, 2018 at 7:31

1 Answer 1


Five minutes later, the link is back.

If it wasn't for the screen shots, I would not have believed this myself.

Move along. There is nothing to see here.


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