- Duplicates are not made based on the title.
Most people here are not robo-close-voter, and only close vote as duplicate if answers in the target applies to your question.
For instance, if your question has poor formatting, it makes sense to point you to an answer that explains how to format properly, even though that answer is not specific to your question.
- To avoid duplicate close-vote, show that you've understood the linked duplicate.
Quoting the help center:
If you see a question and do not agree that it truly is a duplicate, edit it to highlight the differences, then try to get it reopened by casting a reopen vote.
For instance, you can say that "I've read this post, and I've tried to format my post", etc.
Usually, it takes 5 close-voters to close a question, and closed questions can also be reopened.
For that particular question, it currently has positive net vote, so I'd not worry too much about it.