I added an answer to this question: Window in focus doesn't minimize when I click on its icon in the taskbar (Windows 10)
I added this answer:
for me, this only happened with the Chrome browser window. Restarting Chrome fixed it.
The moderator deleted it with this explanation:
This is really a comment and not an answer to the original question. You can always comment on your own posts, and once you have sufficient reputation you will be able to comment on any post. Please read Why do I need 50 reputation to comment? What can I do instead?
I don't understand why my response was not considered to be an answer, since clearly, it IS a solution to the question given. I had this problem and what I did solved it, and it seems to me this is a useful answer which others will benefit from. It seems to me I should be able to appeal to the moderator, but I don't see any way to do that. Can anyone explain to me why my response isn't an answer?