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2 answers

Bounty system : case of bounty awarded but no acceptance

I have lately encountered several cases where a poster has awarded the bounty, but has not marked that answer as accepted (or any other answer). This is the symmetric case to the grace period ...
harrymc's user avatar
-10 votes
1 answer

Close question after some days of acceptance (if user accept the answer)

I get disturbed by an answer for a question posted by me, if I did accept and confirm an answer a couple of months ago. I better suggest you to close/mark the question as "no more answers needed".
Rauf's user avatar
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6 votes
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Missing: List of questions with no accepted answer?

My user profile includes a list of my asked questions, and I can sort this by recent/views/newest/votes. One sorting option is missing: no accepted answer. A few of my older questions don't have an ...
Torben Gundtofte-Bruun's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Community Voting System to accept answers not accepted by the OP [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Community bumping [status-completed] on meta.SU? I have noticed a lot of questions that are answered correctly and abandoned by the OP (i.e. they are not marked as accepted by ...
rzlines's user avatar
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