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Questions tagged [badges]

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3 answers

Bug with Badges?

The first bug I noticed was that I have a question Java (1.6.0_15) not working on Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6.2). Why? that has been viewed over 1000 times yet I never got the Popular Question badge? ...
ricbax's user avatar
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How do you get the Announcer Badge?

The Announcer badge says: Shared a link to a question that was visited by 50 unique IP addresses in 2 days But how do they know who posted the link? If I post a Superuser link to how ...
Jarvin's user avatar
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Remove MSU Beta badge

Meta Super User never went through a painful creation process. Like Athena, it just popped into the world fully formed and ready for business. (Yes, Jeff Atwood is basically Zeus in this analogy. No, ...
Pops's user avatar
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Shouldn't I get tumbleweed badge?

I have written this question: Is there a quick key command that will switch frames in Flash? and have not gotten answers for a month and only 29 views. I think that qualifies for a Tumbleweed badge, ...
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9 votes
2 answers

Extra "Nice Answer" Badge and "Good Answer"?

I've noticed that Super User has granted me two "Nice Answer" badges. Yet I can only see one answer of my own which would appear to qualify. Additionally, I seem to have a "Good Answer" badge on ...
John Rudy's user avatar
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Reversal badge not available on Super User

I've just noticed that the Reversal badge isn't available on Super User. Is this an oversight or by design? It's available on both Stack Overflow and Server Fault 7th November 2009 Still not ...
ChrisF's user avatar
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Does the Disciplined badge work on SuperUser?

Yesterday I deleted an answer that had 4 upvotes to this question (the answer was a bit misleading and the OP told me it was incorrect), yet I've yet to see a badge. There has never been a ...
alex's user avatar
  • 18.2k
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Why aren't there any SuperUser users with a Beta badge?

Why aren't there any SuperUser users with a Beta badge?
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8 votes
1 answer

Superuser: You won 'Necromancer'?

A few of us on Super User have won Necromancer. Judging by the number of days SU has been opened, and the days required to qualify a question for Necromancer, I wouldn't think this was possible.
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