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Possible bug with the new image hosting system: PNG images are declared “Too small…” if both dimensions are not equal to or larger than 160 pixels

Preface: While I saw this similar question on Meta Stack Exchange, and the original poster there is complaining about the 160 limit in general. My issue is with the restriction being applied to both ...
Giacomo1968's user avatar
  • 56.8k
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Add expand functionality to images

When we add images to posts, they're often shrunk to fit the web page (reduction of the width and height). I suspect this is done automatically by the HTML. However, some times, we need to see the ...
Dave's user avatar
  • 25.4k
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Why do the voting arrow images on have non-straight edges?

Does it look like this to anyone else? missing image Edit: I've edited the image to show the stackoverflow and superuser arrows next to each other. I'm not terribly concerned about the difference in ...
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