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Editing others' posts - guidelines / etiquette?

I've just hit the 2000rep mark, and can now edit questions (hurrah! woot! etc, etc...).

But, I'm a little uneasy about editing other people's posts, as it's not something I've really experienced before (eg, I'm not a wiki user elsewhere), but at the same time would like to "fix" "broken" questions to help them along.

Are there any guidelines? I've looked over MSO and found a few, but a lot of the relevant questions seem pretty old, and are related directly to SO. Obviously over time (and different sites) communities change, so I thought I'd ask if anyone has any important points they'd like to throw at me for the here and now?

I understand that the golden rule of editing is do not change the meaning, but what else?

Just hoping to get a feel for what is expected and can maybe help out where relevant.

Also, would someone mind telling me if the edit I made on this question was justified and if it was within expected bounds, or maybe a bit excessive (I did play around with the grammer quite a bit...)?

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