Part of your question asks the following within the first two sentences:
My question here has been closed. Rename files 000…001…002… to 001…002…003 as too broad. It is extremely clear what I am asking.
Your post on SuperUser is clearly a question that asks for either (1) software recommendations or (2) asks for someone to write a script for you.
But that issue has now been addressed by others on this thread. I want to specifically focus on this part:
It is extremely clear what I am asking.
Which is the ultimate reason why the question was closed: Your question is indeed too broad. You are incorrectly assuming “too broad” means you are not asking a specific enough question. You have asked a specific question. But any answer to your specific question will inherently be too broad because there are too many ways to approach the question.
As the option for closing explains; bold emphasis is mine:
Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question.
Here is the thing… A question that is “too broad” can also have too many solutions. In my humble opinion, the question you posed is just “too broad” and “too opinion-based.”
Regarding moderators being “rude” I hope you realize something: While one moderator shut down this question in particular, this community operates as a community and if this moderator did not do this on their own, the chances of other members of the community coming by and flagging the question to be closed—and even down voting—is quite high.
FWIW, the quality of this site is based on solid, even-handed moderation. While I myself knows how it can sting to have a question slammed by the community, at the end of the day I realize I always have the option to delete my own question and even re-open and re-ask this at a later date if the need arises.
As long as you take down votes and close votes personally, you will not be happy in this community. Take a step back and reflect on what might have happened and don’t take any of this personally.
UPDATE: I went ahead and answered the formerly closed—but now reopened—question and did this out of goodwill. But that said, the original poster shows (frankly) their ignorance when in comments they stated:
“I'm sure this could be done with some sort of 1 line linux command. I hardly call that a script.”
A “1 line linux command” is a script no matter how you cut it! And just because the code can be passed along in one line, does not mean it’s a simple task to create it!
To create this one liner I had to look at some scripts I have, some Bash knowledge I have as well as some other answers to other questions online and synthesize a solution. This is not a “1 line linux command” but rather a “1 line custom script” and to dismiss this is not being a coding task is honestly patronizing.
Again, I posted this answer out of goodwill based mainly on the perceived ills conveyed in this meta thread, but seriously discounting any scripting as being “simple” and saying it’s not a coding request is really callous.
So I hope this solved your problem. But will state I do hope you really learn from this experience.