This question mainly relates to users and contributors' interpretations of the Help Center » Asking guidelines:
Super User is for computer enthusiasts and power users. If you have a question about …
- computer hardware,
- computer software, or
- personal and home computer networking
and it is not about …
- programming and software development,
- video games or consoles,
- websites or web services like Facebook, Twitter, and WordPress,
- electronic devices, media players, cell phones or smart phones, except insofar as they interface with your computer,
- issues specific to corporate IT support and networks,
- asking for a product, service or learning material recommendation,
… then you’re in the right place to ask your question!
It seems we get a lot of users who do actually read the guidelines, but still have some confusion on what's actually acceptable to ask.
I have personally had questions that I answered closed because of my misinterpretation of the help section vs. the community members' interpretation. I have also seen the same users that closed my answers, answer questions that would fit into the category they gave for closure.
I don't want to say there is a double standard for higher ranking members, but earlier on when I joined it certainly felt that way.
I am now of the opinion that its just the guidelines not being specific enough in the help center. This is not meant to be a jab at any members. I would actually like to hear people of the community weigh in on this.
This is my interpretation of the guidelines set out in the help section.
- Computer Hardware
- In general personal computers, laptops & peripherals, not excluding
home servers (Ubuntu server, Windows Server, etc. in a home or personal environment)
- In general personal computers, laptops & peripherals, not excluding
- Computer Software
- Personal/home computer software, operating systems, not personal-
programmed software, C#, Arduino or Raspberry Pi sketches, proprietary
software, etc.
- Personal/home computer software, operating systems, not personal-
- Personal and Home Computer Networking
- Wired and wireless networking (cards/adapters, cables, routers,
switches, bridges, APs, etc.) insofar as it deals with personal and not
business/corporate environments, (my definition of this would be
environments that house less than 25-30 connected devices.) and should
not relate to questions specific to cellular networks, corporate networks,
inter-ISP switched networks, or DOCSIS network troubleshooting (excluding
inside wiring troubleshooting from modem/PC to the demarcation point.) an
exception could also be made for public participation networks such as,
LibreRouter networks or similar.
- Wired and wireless networking (cards/adapters, cables, routers,
TL;DR: Based on broad interpretations of the help section, users and new contributors alike get questions and answers closed, sometimes by conjecture, confusion, or misunderstanding.
If anyone has any constructive feedback on the subject, feel free to comment or answer.
Thanks for reading this.