Why was my question deleted as "off topic: not related to hardware/software" even though McAfee is definitely a software ?
Your question was automatically deleted due to the fact it was closed. It was closed by multiple community users, only one of those, is actually a moderator.
I got accused as being responsible for ransomware spreading by superuser community moderators. And another moderator gave me the great answer of "Talk to your network administrator".
You were never directly accused of spreading ransomware. What the user actually said, was that attempting to disable or bypass security software, is one of the methods ransomware is spread. Indicating you should talk to your IT Administrator is perfectly fine advice, it's just not an answer, which is the reason it was submitted as a comment.
How do i know those moderators don't work for Intel(McAfee) and just don't want knowledge about there software to be out there ?
Even if this was the case, McAfee does not care, if you disable their software on your machine. It also isn't true, neither of the users who voted to close your question, work for McAfee.
How do we manage such situations as a community of many system administrator and not just a centrally managed censored community with too much power at the top ?
You ask a concise question that can be answered. One of the many things that caused your question to be closed, was the statement, we should not flag it as a duplicate of an existing question. McAfee allows the users to create exclusion lists and even allows you to temporarily suspend "active" protection. However, there is a general rule, that questions asking to modify the configuration of a corporate machine is out of scope.
Security software in general designed to be difficult to disable by the end user, this is due to the fact, if it was easy then malware would be able to do it. This is the reason you are able to temporarily suspend the protection, anything else typically, requires you to uninstall it.