I got banned without warning whatsoever who knows when (since Stack Exchange does not let you see the ban issuance date and time), and waited patiently until some days ago when it was lifted to ask a question about a possibly dead laptop (link here if you are interested and want to help me out).
Now, before someone says anything about my past writing skills, I know I was not a great writer back when I started using Stack Exchange in ~2016-2017, and I still am not perfect. I tried editing my past questions, but no luck there.
Back to today. My current issue is that the ban is now reinstated after my new question, as stated in the Help Center section about question bans (https://superuser.com/help/question-bans). I was ready for this, but shouldn't a reputation increase and an upvote or more be enough to lift me out of the block? Upvotes indicate a "useful and clear question", as the tooltip says.
What about people who are new to Super User and are not that tech-savvy? Will they get banned because they can't clarify when requested due to poor tech knowledge? Turning to Tom's Hardware Forums, for example, is really not an option, since I can't get any really useful answer(s) there, in contrast to Super User. From my experience, at least.
No one is perfect at anything, and I think that Stack Exchange fails to recognize this, especially with their "asking questions is a privilege, not a right" statement. I get that they don't want their communities filled with low quality questions, but they don't have to ban every flaw, in my opinion.
And no. Although I want to, I'm can't really asking for a ban lift, since Stack Exchange cannot lift question bans by request.