There seems to be an issue in multiple links some how.
I have 2 links in the question below
The 2nd link is different in the source but it is displayed the same as the first link (the href not the text)
The correct answer is: To answer every question your precocious 6- 11 year old has. When he asks what the largest moon in the solar system is. Or how many gallons of water are in the pacific ocean... Wolfram should have those answers. While I realize that not all the databases that will be in Wolfram Alpha are in there now it will they will be. Btw the ocean question takes two queries [pacific ocean area * pacific ocean average depth][1] [convert 1.605x10^8 mi3 to gallons][2] [1]:*+pacific+ocean+average+depth [2]:^8+mi3+to+gallons