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System should teach users more by asking questions and showing FAQs

I don't want to sound rude. This is just a thought.

Recently I stumbled up this long Repository of FAQs on stackoverflow. It links to other FAQs giving very useful advices for users like me between ~100 and ~1000 reputation. I was wondering why nobody forced my to read them earlier and than I asked myself how many ~100-1000 rep users will never see these FAQs.

So why not using the system to bring users and knowledge together - earlier and more efficiently.

I'm willing to learn but I am also lazy (as everyone is). I'm too lazy to do a search for FAQ or click the FAQ link on the right.

Insert an automation which does something like these quick examples:

  • First Tag Wiki Edit → provide a link to a corresponding FAQ and ask a multiple choice question about the FAQ and what the purpose of the tag wiki is.

  • 5th answer → show neat tricks when using 'kbd'+Win-Key-Images, or the advantage of using '>' and 'code' together, or the difference between "``" and 'code'. Every single trick added from advanced users can be used as question.

  • 10th answer → teach them how to look for duplicates so they will do this more often

  • 15th answer → teach them how links have to be used and edited. That a excerpt is needed and so on.

  • 10th review → provide a link to a corresponding FAQ and ask a multiple choice question. Maybe about when to comment and when to edit. Or even how to answer

  • 20th review → same with another question about how to edit bad titles

Give +10 Reputation or -10 Reputation for the correct/incorrect answer.

Tie them to new badges or lower the corresponding requirements for existing badges. 100 edits is way to late for tips. The damage is already done.

Encourage 10k+ rep users to write FAQs so these can be added to the system if accepted from enough other 10k+ users. If the FAQ is added, ask the author to write down 3 questions. Each with 1 right and 2 wrong answers. Give them their own little monument as an incentive, an accepted system-FAQ.

Cut up these system-FAQs and make short tips of them which can appear as banner at the bottom of an edit or review page. One banner per day. Maybe with two or three old but good example questions.

Again, these were only quick examples. I'm sure there are many more and far better FAQ questions.

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