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Questions like this are:

IN FAVOR of not closing it:

  • Specific
  • Answerable
  • Topical
  • Shows some cursory research, or at least tells me what they've tried (in this case, very little)
  • Shows specific command lines and the results of the command lines

BEGGING me to downvote it:

  • Shows little or no research about the command line options of the command being used (in this case, rpm)
  • Shows little understanding of package management
  • Generally indicative of a help vampire

I'm going to mercilessly downvote people who are help vampires that don't do research, even if I end up answering their question because it doesn't merit a close vote. Then again, I'd be more than happy to close it as a duplicate, because many questions which are asked by help vampires have been asked before.

Basically I just wanted to reinforce the point made by @random that not every question that shows poor research is necessarily asking to be closed (or even deleted, since keeping the question around will mean we can close similar questions as dupes).

You might also see a question asked about why rmdir won't delete a directory and gives the "error" message of "Directory not empty". If this hypothetical question were asked, I'd downvote it into oblivion, but I'd want to answer it, and have it remain on the site, as an indicator that yes, this is a terrible question showing no research or comprehension of English, but it's at least topical, and at least now that we've explained it here, we won't have to ever explain it to anyone again (just VTC duplicate for the next guy that asks it).

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