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Migration of MSO links to MSE links

Please read this post on

The key message is: You have only 16 characters in your title, so don't waste them.
Read the good/bad examples and look if you agree with them.

2. Keep it short.

You don't have to put all the details in the title. There's plenty of space to expand your question in the body of the text.

Likewise, don't insist that your title be expressed as a perfectly formed English sentence.

3. Lead with the most important words.

These articles discuss how people read web pages, based on using an eye tracking system to monitor users. For Stack Overflow-like pages people read most of the first and second entries (the bars of the "F"), and then scan down the rest of the list, reading on average the first 16 characters of each line.

4. Don't start with "How do I..."

Writing in that style ensures that you title will fail criteria 1-3, and get less attention than it deserves.

This is a question site, and people will understand your titles are questions.

To be fair: There is a certain amount of people who disagree with this.

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