While we're at it, here's a list of other things to add to the "How to Ask" page and reminder text:
Don't type your question with alternating caps, like
mY cOmPuTeR iS rUiNiNg My LiFe! HaLp!
Don't use
s foro
s fori
s fore
s, and7
s fort
s, like1 h4ve l1nux 7r0ubl3 guyz, 4 r34l
Avoid using more than one exclamation point or question mark at the end of sentences, like
I spilled coffee on my keyboard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 What do I do???!?!?????????
Don't sign your posts with your social security number and mother's maiden name, like
Just press F5 to refresh the page. That should solve your problem. HTH Bob Smith SSN: 123-45-6789 MMN: Jones
Don't pepper your posts with racial slurs.
Don't include pornographic images in any screen captures you include in your posts.
Et cetera, et cetera....
My point is that some expectations are common sense and (nearly) universal, and it's a fool's errand to start including these sorts of "pointers" on the help page.
Sure, maybe an automatic check for all caps could be useful, but my feeling is that this is a relatively rare problem that is already effectively addressed by the site's community review processes. It's probably not worth the effort to implement. Sorry.