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Art Gertner
  • 7.3k
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Effect of downvote on reputation

Should downvotes result into bigger reputation loss than -2 ? I believe that compared to +10 for an upvote, -2 is negligible and it would be fair to increase it.

Also, since the community is reputation-based and the purpose is to provide high-quality answers and accumulate knowledge, is it worth to introduce a progressive scaling of downvote effect based on authors reputation? For example:

 - a user with        rep <= 100   gets -1  if his post is dowvoted
 - a user with 100  < rep <= 500   gets -2  if his post is dowvoted
 - a user with 500  < rep <= 1000  gets -5  if his post is dowvoted
 - a user with 1000 < rep          gets -10 if his post is dowvoted


Does anyone else find this reasonable?

Art Gertner
  • 7.3k
  • 11
  • 14