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Copy edited. Applied some formatting. (its = possessive, it's = "it is" or "it has". See for example <'s>.)
Peter Mortensen
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Why are "why was ... implemented this way" questions closed as opinion based?

This question is closed because it's opinion based.

It basically asks why Ctrl + V paste is not implemented in PowerShell.

There's a comment below, "This can't really be answered by anyone except the PowerShell design team."

In my opinion, that doesn't mean a question should be closed.

For one, the PowerShell design team is also on the Internet; two, they might have written a blog post somewhere about it or put it somewhere in the specifications/RFC documentation; and three, there might be an obvious reason why it's not implemented.

I've seen many questions about why certain things are implemented in a certain way with good answers.


Even if people add opinionated answers, then the problem are the answers, not the question.