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allquixotic's user avatar
allquixotic's user avatar
allquixotic's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
7 votes

Effect of downvote on reputation

7 votes

When reviewing, can we remove these dreadful "Congratulations, this was only a test" questions

7 votes

Why questions like "Developer laptop SSD and HDD setup" are closed?

7 votes

Why are the question on linux not considered off topic?

7 votes

Post was edited after I flagged for review

7 votes

Repetition of short question in short answer

7 votes

Migrate/Copy Discussion From one Stack community to other Stack Community

6 votes

Why are people voting to close my question?

6 votes

How to deal with answers I cannot check anymore?

6 votes

The purpose of this community - down-voting and asking questions

6 votes

Why is this question being voted to be closed?

6 votes

How do I rollback an edit to my question

6 votes

Why are some simple questions 'hot' while other more interesting, or involved questions get nothing?

6 votes

Better understanding "not an answer" flags

6 votes

2014 Moderator Election Q&A - Question Collection

6 votes

Help Improving Question

6 votes

How does one become a top contributor and solves computer problems independenly?

5 votes

Why is "closed as not constructive" sometimes so destructive?

5 votes

Why do high-reputation users tend to have lots of answers but very few or no questions, and am I asking too many questions for my reputation?

5 votes

2014 Moderator Election Q&A - Question Collection

5 votes

Warn when Approving Edits for Questions On-Hold

5 votes

How should I flag a question when two flags fit?

5 votes

SSL Certificate error for (but not

5 votes

Concept of "conditional" downvotes?

5 votes

Would a question about the effect of modified sine waves on the AC adapter for a laptop be on-topic?

5 votes

Is there a reason why the tag "slackware" cannot be edited?

5 votes

Why put on hold by Dave and DavidPostill?

5 votes

Downvotes with no comments

5 votes

Is popularity a criterion on which to decide whether or not to keep a question open?

5 votes

Over 54,000 questions with no answers!