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allquixotic's user avatar
allquixotic's user avatar
allquixotic's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
5 votes

Do I have to migrate my question to Stack Overflow?

5 votes

Should we have a Super User Birthday/Windows 10 Release contest?

5 votes

Is this site suitable for asking questions on how to do something in VIM?

5 votes

would a discussion concerning my emacs fingers growing a bit stiffer be appropriate?

5 votes

Why is the header of this site not fixed?

5 votes

Can the "migrated from StackOverflow" notice expire, please?

5 votes

Where do Google Cloud Platform questions belong?

4 votes

Should we, the community, be able to accept an answer on the OP's behalf?

4 votes

Is there a way to ask this question without it being opinion based?

4 votes

Question closed and Edit suggestion rejected

4 votes

Why was “What programming languages can I assume on a random Linux server by default?” closed?

4 votes

Is this question about processor licensing off-topic?

4 votes

Can someone write another answer for our canonical malware question?

4 votes

Why is my account blocked again?

4 votes

Should I flag an answer which *tries* to answer the question, but is useless for this *particular* question

4 votes

On-topic migration to a more specific SE site declined

4 votes

Unintended consequence of cheap downvotes and possible solutions

4 votes

Failed audit for trying to "improve" it

4 votes

Request to reopen question 689718

4 votes

Are questions about specific models of hardware okay?

4 votes

How is the number of profile view counted.

3 votes

Will Stack Exchange always be free?

3 votes

Questions about beta/pre-release software. Why are there still 73 questions tagged [Windows-8.1]?

3 votes

At what point do regexes become programming questions?

3 votes

'Wall of text' question

3 votes

1 ATI Radeon card in PCIe 2.0 slot for display. How to make use of AMD FireStream cards placed in empty PCIe 2.0 slots?

3 votes

Warned about ban from asking - is deleting old "0 votes" questions a good idea?

3 votes

Ability to filter for questions on hold?

3 votes

Minimal edit distance can be circumvented with comments

3 votes

Why are some gravatars not rendered?