Some issues with a recent action that was taken regarding the Root Access chat bot
Maybe have the bot send a private message to new users? Whatever the group wants to do is fine with me, I don't even use the chat!
Some issues with a recent action that was taken regarding the Root Access chat bot
@rlemon I had no idea I could view the transcript without entering the room, oops. "Detest" is too strong a word; I was only surprised to see that I had disturbed the peace of the chat room by being announced to all. I would say hello back to you or any person, but not to a bot. I just had nothing interesting I wanted to say to the chat room, and no question I wanted to ask. It's fine that I was not anonymous, because I was not trying to hide from anybody.
Some issues with a recent action that was taken regarding the Root Access chat bot
My thoughts on auto-greeting: One day I decided to check out the chat rooms for the first time, just to see what kind of things are talked about. I was greeted by a bot, even though I just wanted to lurk for a while. Not a problem, but it was unwanted and surprising. If the bot would wait until after I send a message, then it would not have ever greeted me, because I never sent anything. This way, the bot can still alert the room that someone new is talking, but not spam everybody when a new lurker pops up.
Is it typical for an edit to be hijacked and then attributed to someone else?
Hello, I am guilty. My thought process was "I do not want to accept this proposed edit 100% as-is, so I can either reject it or press the improve button." You had removed a couple of tags that I wanted to remain on the question. I decided not to reject it, but to press improve, then add those tags back. I also unchecked "this edit was helpful" which apparently has the side effect of removing credit from your name. I did not realize it would be that way, and after it was done, there is no way to undo it. Now I know this for next time.