Recently, there has been a significant increase in the posting of spam contentas a regular user focused mainly on Q&A, I've noticed a surge in spam content related to the "HERO RUPEE LOAN CUSTOMER CARE HELPLINE NUMBERNUMBER"." These posts consist of spam questions, followed by spam answers and comments. It would be beneficial to discuss the implementation of a potential feature that allows posts containing specific keywords to undergo community or moderator approval through a special queue or an AI algorithm that can be fine-tuned.
When conducting a Google search for "hero rupee loan," I noticed that out of the top 10 search results, 8 of them are links to various SE communities where spam posts have been removed. The continued appearance of these spam posts in search results suggests that the individuals responsible for posting them are gaining some advantage or benefit from their actions.
To address this issue more effectively, it may be worth considering the implementation of a system that blocks specific key phrases using advanced methods like regex. Instead of allowing these unsolicited posts to be immediately visible, they could be redirected to a separate queue for further review, preventing the spam from reaching the audience and reducing the need for constant downvoting and flagging as spam.