Often the issue with "useful" downvoting, is it "isn't useful to WHO?" Well I dont give a flying leap about your question, so it isn't useful to me :-). or I don't want to see the site direction head to that type of question, So get Outta here with it. Is it not useful because I cannot even read it, so what is the use in that :-)
The purpose of being able to ask a "Question", that is more specific to your situation, would be to talk to humans, instead of reading (again) a 300 page book (so called research) that has the answer in it like a needle in a haystack. Humans who are well researched, or better Experienced, in a particular question (that is not researched well enough) get thier REP by using the info they know, or know-how to research. Information is transfered via Human Data Brain transfer, this is a good thing.
A "not researched" question, can end up applying to a "Not Documented" question. A single sentace question, that said "I have this problem" , but does nothing to tell us "I already tried these Things to try and solve it". By default it is not researched , because the user did not display that they tried loads of garbage on the web to try and solve it, even if some of those would make the problem far worse :-)