Ivo Flipse asked: If you find a problem with how the site works or think a change in our scope is required. How do you go about changing it? And/or if you're unhappy with how changes are being made right now, how do you plan to fix that when you become a mod (if at all)?
Oliver Salzburg answered: I'd first discuss my concerns in chat. When I see my concerns aren't unreasonable, I'll take it to Meta Super UserMeta Super User
DragonLord answered: I would start with posting the concern on Super User Meta, asking for community response. If this is a major matter, I'll put it on the community bulletin.
soandos answered: Post something on MSU about what I think should change and why. It is up to the community to decide if we should change, not a mod (or even mods).
Daniel Beck answered: Present it to meta, similar to how it was done with the tablet issue. If I'm unhappy about it, I'll present my POV. Either I get community support, or I don't...
KronoS answered: Meta.SU and Meta.SO are great places to suggest such things. I would use those as my first go to tools.