This question was recently posted and put on hold as off-topic:
And it is off-topic as a Q&A on SU. It did attract a fair amount of interest, though.
While it is off-topic, the purpose has some value. We do get a lot of beginner spreadsheet questions. Many of the posters lack the fundamental concepts and vocabulary, so it is difficult for them to research a solution before coming here. The idea of this Q&A was to be a basic resource to get people started in finding a solution on their own, or at least being able to do some initial work and then present an appropriate question.
SU has a pool of definitive answers for common questions, the purpose being to avoid reinventing the wheel every time those questions come up. It might be useful to have some beginner-level resource information to serve a similar function, but at an earlier stage.
This Q&A was an attempt to start such a resource for Excel. There are other common topics that might benefit from something similar. The question is where, if anywhere, would it fit on the site. The site Q&A is not the right place.
We do have help resources--how to ask a good question and the like. That might be an appropriate place for resources of this kind that we can point questioner's to as an initial step.
Would this be consistent with the site's function and would that be an appropriate place for such a resource?
As a practical matter, is there an existing mechanism to enable people to create and maintain a community wiki resource in the help area?