This Is it even possible to reword my question to be relevant? has a link to the deleted question.
Why is it on Hot Meta Posts?
This Is it even possible to reword my question to be relevant? has a link to the deleted question.
Why is it on Hot Meta Posts?
The question is a discussion question not marked status-completed, scoring at least 3 and posted within the past two weeks.
The algorithm for deciding Hot Meta Posts is as follows:
If there is a community moderator election, a link to it appears in the bulletin.
Events can be created with a start date and time, an end date and time, a simple title, and a link to something somewhere on the network. Current or upcoming events are listed, with those starting or ending nearest to the current time shown first.
If there are fewer than 4 events, blog posts from the Stack Exchange blog are added to the list. A maximum of two posts will be shown, and only those posted in the past n days, where n is currently 10 on International versions of Stack Overflow, and 5 everywhere else. International sites have their own feeds on the company blog and do not list posts from the main English feed.
If there are still fewer than 4 items listed, then featured meta posts are shown.
If there are still under 4 items, the rest of the space is filled with hot discussion questions not marked status-completed, scoring at least 3 and posted within the past two weeks. These are picked semi-randomly. (Note that the timing, score and tags can be adjusted per-site to suit the needs of each community)
(emphasis mine)
Source What criteria is used to select the links that appear in the community bulletin (events / featured / hot meta posts / blog) sidebar block?, answer by Shog9