I've replied to a topic and some minutes later I saw that the question was deleted as spam.
Why was this done? Closing as offtopic "asking for product recommendations" is understandable, but not as spam.
I've replied to a topic and some minutes later I saw that the question was deleted as spam.
Why was this done? Closing as offtopic "asking for product recommendations" is understandable, but not as spam.
Since there's no spam in the question itself, I'll reproduce it here for <10K users:
Any file manager supporting long file paths?
Is there any file manager tool (like explorer) that support "long paths" (filename + path longer than 260 chars) for win10?
Win10 v1607 you could set LongPathEnabled so it should be possible but only if the application support it (ntfs supports 32000+ but the win API have had the 260 limit, but not any longer), as I have understood it, and explorer dont.
I know about command line tools like robocopy that can handle long path but wanted one ordinary file manager with GUI.
I wasn't one of the flaggers, but my best guess is that it was identified as a spam seed, specifically for the Long Path Tool - a known spammed product. It's possible that the question was made to pave the way for answers advertising the LPT. And indeed, that tool does seem to fit the bill (a vaguely Explorer-like file manager with a GUI).
Not the mod that deleted it but:
It reads far too aggressively as "I must have this tool!" and from experience it feels like a spam seed. At best the question deserved closure and, given a bit of time, to be cleaned up.
Either way though I'm disinclined to undelete the question as it would still be close worthy, and I don't see any way it could be made on-topic. All they want is the software, not the help.