As discussed several times, shopping questions are off-topic on Super User.
They are too specific, related to a particular time, a particular place, and are also open to subjectivity (advising "which is best" is likely to gather mostly personal opinions).
It is widely accepted amongst people moderating that SU is not the shopping channel, and questions are being closed. However, we face often misunderstanding from people whose question has been closed, because it's not clearly explained why.
Should we include a new "exception" line, to the SU FAQ? (with the risk of making it even more crowded):
and it is not about …
- videogames or consoles
- websites or web services like Facebook, Twitter, and WordPress
- electronic devices, media players, cell phones or smart phones, except insofar as they interface with your computer
- shopping recommendation
(we could add this example from Jeff, also: "what {hardware class} should I buy now with a budget of ${dollars}?")