After your edits the question has been placed in a review queue where people with sufficient reputation (> 3000) can vote to either reopen or leave closed.
In this particular case I have reopened your question after your edit.
What does it mean if a question is "closed" or "on hold"?
Questions are marked [on hold] for the first five days after closure
to encourage edits and improvements to the question.
If a question is edited by the original poster when it is marked [on
hold], it will automatically be placed in a review queue to be
considered for reopening. If it is not reopened within five days, the
[on hold] notice automatically changes to [closed].
There is functionally no difference between an [on hold] question and
a [closed] one; neither can be answered until it is re-opened, but
they both allow comments, votes and edits.
Source What does it mean if a question is "closed" or "on hold"?