I don't know you, but I thought I'd take a stab at tackling your need. I mean no harm, and if I my attempt to help is not useful, please forgive me. I will not take it personally if you downvote to indicate that it is not helpful :)
(To give other readers context,) In one of your comments, you say:
Thank you for your kind words. The problem is that I'm forced to use Chrome at work with GPO active that dictates what extensions are used. I can't get around it. My boss also mentioned that its not allowed, so I really can't get around it.
And then:
I may be able to get around it. Problem is, its company policy, so there is no way for me to make it work other than StackExchange natively supporting it, or risk losing my job.
I have never heard of GPO, but I'm guessing it is Windows' Group Policy thing (which I've also never heard of. I'm not exactly inspiring confidence here, am I)?
On Chrome v65+, there is a feature called Local Overrides, which lets you make modified versions of files served from the network (stored in your local filesystem), and tell Chrome to use your modified version instead of the network one. This will not make for a very maintainable solution, since it may/will need updating whenever the official site CSS changes, but I think it may be at least workable for you.
There are a number of ways you could possibly go about leveraging this.
Probably the easiest is to edit the https://cdn.sstatic.net/Shared/stacks.css?v=5e163053a5b0 file (or whatever v=####
it is (yes this will be annoying)) and add:
.s-post-summary__ignored {
opacity: 0.5;
Other options for fun and profit shenanigans:
/* quick and dirty. only changes text- doesn't change tags appearance */
.s-post-summary__ignored {
--black-500: var(--black-100);
Maybe there's a different stylesheet file that's more stable where this CSS rule could be added, but I don't know personally know about that detail.