SuperUser has been open for beta for a very short time and already the flurry of questions is overwhelming and vast. There is a lot of noise (i.e. "Must have...") and very little signal at this point as beta users try to get rep. I expect that to change over time as more novice users ask questions which are meaningful to them.
The concern I have is sending my father-in-law, mother, or other non-geek to to get a question answered because I think they will be overwhelmed. I know a bulk of the traffic will come from search engines, but what small changes can be made (without effecting the overall code base too much) to make skipping Google and coming right to SuperUser more effective?
Ok, really bad example on my part. Try this instead:
Assume you are a complete SO/Meta/Serverfault/SuperUser newbie and you have a problem with your HP Printer. Your geek guru says to check SuperUser for a solution. When you arrive at SuperUser everything not having to do with HP Printers is noise. It takes mental time and energy to look away from the list of irrelevant (to you) questions and find the Ask A Question button. The search box is one of the least visible items on the screen so existing answers may remain hidden if you do not phrase your question exactly right. Then 10 minutes after you ask your question it gets closed as Exact Duplicate of a somewhat related question. How likely are you to then stay and contribute to the site? How likely are you to continue to look to this site for answers to your question? Assume the Exact Duplicate is actually slightly different and doesn't help. Now what?