Recently, I was editing my profile, typing something, and an advertisement frame popped up, for lack of better name, since y'all are sparing on the ads. The 'frame' somehow caused my cursor focus to shift and it seems that I inadvertantly added 'te' to the beginning of my Display Name.
(I have no REAL idea what happened, something appeared, and I lost focus, had to click to regain. Yes, Vague. My apologies)
I do understand WHY you have a time limit on further changes to prevent people from confusing things with frequent name changes, but I feel there should be some sort of confirmation before the change is allowed to prevent occurrences like mine.
Kinda weird being 'telornix', but as the little balloon says, June 29th, I can change it back. (Yay!)
Please consider adding a confirmation for any profile information with a limited change frequency such as the Display Name. (There may be others, I'm not going looking...)